Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Very Great Weekend!!

A few weeks ago, we had a full weekend, and that has not happen alot lately!! We were able to go to a friends Graduation party. Mr. Tom, telling us that,Mrs. Debbie is gonna tell us a little bit about how much Melanie means to them:)
Making lemonade!!!!! Mmmmm.....

Amanda and Melanie!

Poor Chany was sick:( so Dad was very sweet to take him home:)

Pretend cat that purrrsss:D

Then Denver and Patti came for a visit=)

After lunch at a Mexican restaurant.

And finally, (drum roll please) Tanner and Dalton had a violin recital!!

Tanner waiting to start!!!

The entire time Dalton was playing
he said, "I'm not gonna do this" over and over:)

Watching and waiting for there turn.
What a blessed family we are!?
By the way! Dalton told his teacher the next week, that he wanted to do another recital. Change of heart=0)