Wednesday, May 18, 2011

HomeSchool Conference

We had a great time in Texas at our home school conference. The Lord really blessed us while we were there. It was a great time of fellowship and learning!!

Before we left we had alot of work to do on our RV, so Brandon, Denver, and a friend came over one weekend to help!! We were very grateful for there help:) Some played while others cleaned;]

Once we got there and got all set up another family came in beside us and needed a little help setting up,and so Dad and some friends pitched in and helped.

A few pine branches needed taken care of!!

So Mr. Greg and Dad did the job!!!

At the conference there are programs that students can attend. Dalton and Chandler did Children's Institute and I taught it. Cooper did ALERT Cadet and Tanner was a leader. Dad, Mom and Susanna, sat in the sessions and learned alot!! Well, we learned alot too=0)

Chandler in CI

" Team G"

Tanner, Cooper, and some friends

The last night we invited families over to our camp site and had good dinner and fellowship together.

Some sweet friends

Dad and Momma too;)

It is so amazing to see our Dad's praying for one another

Cooper, Chandler, and Dalton

enjoying the ride home!